- Pin-Up Punk Rock and Goth Girls

octobre 07, 2005

Synopsis x 3

Il y a de cela deux semaine, mon prof de Film Making nous a donné comme mission de revenir la semaine d'après avec trois idées d'un film muet de trois minutes qu'on aimerait faire pour notre premier vrai projet. Comme d'habitude j'ai trouvé les miennes la veille à 23h00, pas parce que j'aime travailler sous la pression mais parce que l'inspiration ne vient jamais quand on le souhaite. Je voulais me forcer pour faire un projet qui me ressemble, un projet avec un message, quelque chose digne d'une fille qui étudie en cinéma à l'université, vous comprenez ? Non seulement je devais trouver trois idées pour le cours de la semaine d'après, mais fallait-it aussi que je les explique devant la classe, EN ANGLAIS. Putain que j'avais les mains moites quand est venu le temps de raconter mes idées. J'ai tenté de gesticuler au maximum pour que tout le monde comprennes ce que je disais. C'est vraiment stressant de parler devant 12 personnes autour d'une table et un prof qui te regarde vraiment bizarrement. Tu ne sais pas trop s'il trouve ça vraiment à chier ou s'il va crier au chef-d'oeuvre. Il y a de quoi freaker non ? En-tout-cas, voici mes idées: Location- interior day – school Title : One day like another Treatment : All along the movie, we will only see the feets and legs of the characters. We fallow a young man who is wandering in a school full of people. He’s walking in the school and meets some friends of him and begins chating with them for a while. then, he continues walking and stop in front of a distributor to buy something to drink. he goes to his locker, opens it, take a long rope that he lets slip by his side while walking. he finds a chair, climbs on it, put the rope around his neck and hang himself. we only see his feet hanging in the air. ------------------------------------------------------------- Location-interior day- warehouse Title : 17-86-06 Treatment : A girl wakes up in a warehouse where there's plenty of tools. Her body is covered in dirt. She gets up with very much difficulty because she is thoughless. Walking a bit in the warehouse she lose consciousness. And when she wakes up, she realize that she's surounded by little pieces of paper with numbers written on it. And she sees numbers written on her arm: 17-86-06. She gets up immediatly so she can vomit in the toilet a few meters near by looking in the toilet, she sees that what shes vomited are bolts and screws. She feels something behind her neck, and remarks a usb porton her skin. She feels a presence behind her. and when she turn around she sees a man behind her who controls her with a remote control ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Location-interior day –house Title : Modern Family Treatment : there's a family in a house and every member of it has a black strip on is eyes as a sign of censorship. one by one, the family's members get installed in the livingroom to watch television. the entire family is happy and impressed by watching the television but there's nothing on the screen but snow . the children clap in their hands and ask for more while the mother gets out of her pocket some red ropes. the mother ties a rope to everybody's waist to tie them to the television. then the family go sitaround the kitchen's table to eat. but their meal is only made of pills et camera film. suddely, one of the childrenchoke on some ''film'' but nobody in the family tries to help him. a camera suddely appears in the set and a camera suddely appears in the set and the family encourages the little boy to show off until he dies.
Après un 5 secondes de réflexion de la part du prof qui a semblé durer une éternité, il me dit: "Sounds Great, Veronica. Good job, I like it alot. "
ouffff....soulagement presque jouissif !
J'ai décidé de prendre la troisième histoire qui s'intitule "Modern Family" et mon tournage va se faire entre le 20 et le 23 octobre. J'aurais besoin d'un volontaire qui serait libre durant cette fin semaine pour jouer un rôle dans le film. Si ça intéresse quelqu'un faite-moi signe. Ça serait beaucoup apprécié.


Blogger Spiritual Machine said...

T'appel ça stressant de parler devant 12 personnes ! J'comprends pas ce qu'il y a de stressant dans ça !!! :P

10:36 p.m.  

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